Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Today it snowed in Virginia and Idaho. I love the snow! I especially loved the snow growing up in Virginia because we got out of school. Now that I'm in Idaho and school is only canceled for no power or negative 30+ degree temperatures, I have to take in it's beauty on my way to class instead of in my yard making snowmen.
Snow is so angelic and purifying. I find it peaceful and relaxing. (So relaxing in fact, I felt a bout of fatigue come over me after my classes and had to take a power nap followed by some shots of Dr. Pepper. Ahh college :) ) I would love to just sit in the trees on the edge of a field, wrapped in the warmest, fluffiest coat and watch the snowfall and listen to the peace that follows.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


My First Laundry experience at The Willows. 

(The Willows, being my new apt after 6 semesters at the same complex.)

Here we don't have a washer and dryer in out apt., there is a laundry room on each floor of the building. Each wash and dry load costs twenty-five cents, each week we receive a dollar from the manager. 
I've been at school one week at this point, though I did bring a few unwashed clothes from VA. I don't have much to wash, but it is significant. I do two loads. Colors and zippers. Now what do you do with a white fluffy coat that has a zipper that isn't colors or Jeans? Put it in the jeans load of course! (The method to this madness was that I didn't want the zipper to put holes in my colors.) boom! Throw them in, start 'em and set an alarm on my phone. 
Come back, awesome, my white coat is now a spotted blue coat. I remember that little thing about turning clothes inside out, yada yada, it's too late.
This next mistake is my own fault. I never dry my jeans, I always line-dry them to preserve their booty-luscious shape and so they will last longer. But I decide that I don't have a day to wait for them to dry, so I just throw all the clothes in the dryer.
An hour passes so I head back to the laundry room to find that my clothes are still significantly wet. Dang it! I walk back to my apt to get another quarter (down to one left now.) I want to switch dryers, so I load my clothes into one of the two larger, stacked dryers. Start them and come back half an hour later. I walk into the laundry room and hear the dryer but my clothes aren't spinning around they are just sitting there still looking rather soaked when I come to the realization that I put the quarter into the top slot and put my clothes in the bottom dryer. AWESOME. Switch the clothes into the top dryer with 32 min left and pray they dry. 
They did, nice and warm, I even burt my finger.
I start folding my clothes once I get back to my apt while telling my roommate this story about the dang dryer when I get to the last pink striped sock without a match in sight.